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ILREZ 200 is maleic-modified rosin based resin.


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ILREZ 200 is maleic-modified rosin based resin.

ILREZ 200 is maleic-modified rosin based resin. It is used in nitro cellulose based flexo and rotogravure inks as co-binder prior to dissolving in either ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. It can also be used in water based flexographic inks if dissolved in water under alkaline conditions.

It is easily soluble in ethanol and isopropanol. It can be dissolved in water at pH level of 8 to 9.

It is well compatible with nitro cellulose and vinyl chloride/vinyl acetate copolymer. It is not compatible with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.

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While İldeş Kimya continues its continuous development and growth, it has adopted as a basic principle to be a company that maintains reliability and respectability by introducing environmentally and human-friendly products and processes that respect the sustainable life cycle.

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