Our chemistry is respectful to sustainable lifecycle, human and environment friendly

Our chemistry is respectful to sustainable lifecycle, human and environment friendly

Our chemistry is respectful to sustainable lifecycle, human and environment friendly

Our chemistry is respectful to sustainable lifecycle, human and environment friendly


We make chemistry which is respectful to sustainable lifecycle, human and environment friendly during more than 50 years.

İldeş Kimya aims to satisfy its business partners and customers in beyond of their expectations. The production in İldeş Kimya is done in both local and international standards by using high tech infrastructure with the aid of sensitivity, order and cleanliness as of food industry. The technological reactors with different volumes and features İldeş Kimya holds make it able to produce 8000 tonnes of resins annually.  

About Us

Outstanding Value which results from Knowledge, Added Value and Leadership.

By strictly following up worldwide needs regarding technological infrastructure, automation, productivity and conditions of rivalry; İLDEŞ KİMYA continues to supply both a diversity of product range and technical service to its customers in beyond of their expectations by continuous investment on R&D and lab technologies.



İldeş Kimya serves the Adhesive, Paint and Ink, Food and Beverage (Food), Surface Coating, Plastic and Textile, Cosmetics Sectors with a total of 25 active recipes in 6 different categories. The company's activities, which first started with the production of resin-based products, have diversified with the production of other intermediate inputs in various sectors.

Aphorisms From Our Honorary President

We always recall aphorisms of our Honorary President Mr. Musa İldeş:

Work hard, be serious and knowledgeable.
Çok çalışın, ciddi ve bilgili olun.
Enjoy your business, embrace it patiently.
Mesleğinizi sevin, sabırla sarılın.
Always be honest and respectful.
Her zaman dürüst ve saygılı olun.
Take care of your health.
Sağlığınıza dikkat edin.
Be rival not jealous.
Rakip olun, kıskanç olmayın.
Investigate thoroughly before entering into a brand new business.
Yeni bir işe başlamadan önce o konuyu iyice inceleyin.
In case business could get worse, do not be pessimistic, instead be optimistic.
İşler kötüye gidebilir, siz pozitif olun, her şeyi kapkara görmeyin.
Do not be afraid of admitting your mistake.
Hatanızı itiraf etmekten çekinmeyin.
We write sustainability in capital letters

on purpose We take it seriously

More Information

Professional Solution Partner

While İldeş Kimya continues its continuous development and growth, it has adopted as a basic principle to be a company that maintains reliability and respectability by introducing environmentally and human-friendly products and processes that respect the sustainable life cycle.

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